Meeting Regarding Encroachment in Flood Plain Barring the Natural Flow of Water in Flood Plain in all Irrigation Zone of Punjab Province
3rd Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) Meeting Regarding the Project "Capacity Development of Effective River Dike Management Response to 2022 Floods (Dated:24-02-2025)
Meeting on collaboration for National Consultative Session on Nature Base Solution in Federal Flood Commission, Islamabad. (Dated:06-01-2025)
2nd Seminar on Issues and Challenges on Design Construction and O & M of Bunds between FFC, PID Punjab, Sindh and JICA, in Federal Flood Commission.
A Meeting regarding the Project "Flood Protection and Dike Improvement in Southern Indus River (Dated:28-29, October & 05, Novemeber-2024)