FFC through its Flood Communication Cell issues the Daily Flood Situation Monitoring Report during the entire Flood Season (1stJuly to 30th September) every year. The Report contains:
- Daily river discharges (Inflows, Outflows) of Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej etc.
- Major Dam position (Levels, Storage)
- Meteorological conditions over the country (with respect to Monsoon Low, Westerly Wave & the Seasonal Low)
- Hydrological conditions of river system, secondary and tertiary rivers/nullahs
- Weather & Flood Forecast for next 24 to 48 hours based on PMD’s prediction
- Significant flood/flash flood forecast for any particular river/area/locality
- Major rainfall events for the past 24 hours
- General warning to all related federal and provincial agencies regarding effective preparedness & timely response